Gold Flitter Brown
A very beautiful colour is the gold flitter brown. It was selected in Germany between World War I and II. In a pauperised Germany, fanciers managed to create a brown colour variety which did not need separate breeding pens for cockerels and pullets (double mating).
Concerning the breed type, Gold flitter browns – and silvers, for that matter – due especially to their lower tail carriage have had a rather different type for years. During the last decades, however, German breeders abandoned this type and started selecting specimens with a higher tail carriage.  This is why the Dutch decided to discontinue the old distinction that classified the gold and silver flitters as German types and to require now the same ‘Dutch’ type as requested in the remaining colour varieties.
The cock is a brown with a number of distinctive features:
The neck hackle will have no or very light coloured stripes.
The saddle hackle has no pattern
The gold colour in the neck and saddle hackle is more intense than in the brown variety.
The chest will be black, each feather with golden lacing. Spangled is admitted, but laced is preferred.
The hen will impress with her beautiful flitters on her back and shoulders.  The brown colouring in the hens will have less greyish brown and more yellow-ochre in the background. The pencilling will be finer than in the regular light brown colour.
Each feather of the back and wing coverts is gold laced. The chest colour is salmon and as uniform as possible. This characteristic is a real challenge.
Due to the intense background colour, gold flitters are allowed to show some rust on the wing coverts. The specimens with the best pattern will have some distinct flittering on the wing coverts too.

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