Brown (USA: Light Brown)
This colour variety has managed to remain very popular throughout the years and to attract enthusiastic fanciers.
Head: Orange red.
Neck and saddle: Orange yellow with a black stripe running along the middle. The black stripe does not run as far as the feather's tip (which would be called ‘breaking through’); On the contrary, it should be completely surrounded by orange-yellow.
Shoulders and back: Red.
Steering tail feathers (rectrices): Black.
Greater and lesser sickles: Glossy green-black
Body and rump: Black.
Chest and throat: Glossy green-black with no pattern.
Wing bow (normally covered by the neck hackle): Black.
Wing bar: Glossy green-black
Primaries: Black, outer web brown.
Secondaries: Black, with outer web by 3/5 brown, which forms the wing bay.
Down colour: Greyish.
Head: Golden yellow, slightly darker than the neck.
Neck: Neck hackle light golden yellow, each feather striped down the middle with black, which may not break through, just like in the cock.
Shoulders, back and saddle hackle: As uniform as possible in colour, which is golden grey brown with fine black stripes pencilling as evenly as possible throughout the whole feather. The pencilling should not appear to form some kind of lacing or to conglobulate. Besides, some light venation on the feather is a defect.
Tail: Steering tail feathers (rectrices) black, except for the top ones and the tail coverts which have the same colour and pattern as the shoulders and back.
Throat and chest: Deep salmon pink brown
Wing bow, bay and coverts: The same as the back feathers.
Primaries: Black-brown, with a narrow, grey-brown outer web.
Secondaries: Inner web black-brown, outer web with colour and pattern as the back feathers.
Body and rump: Ash brown.
Down under all feather groups: Greyish.